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Bulk PO Import | SkuVault SkuVault.Web.Models.Shared.HeaderModel SkuVault.Web.Models.Shared.HeaderModel

Results for file '{{FileName}}'

Please select a file to import purchase orders. The files should be in .csv format, and must contain the fields below. All additional fields will be ignored.

  • Required Fields
    • PO#
      • Specify PO number manually or use value "Auto Generate" to have the po number created by the system.
      • Please be aware that specifying PO numbers and auto-generating them in the same upload is not allowed.
    • Supplier - PO supplier (must exist in SkuVault)
    • Item Search Term - the SKU, code or part number for the line item (must exist in SkuVault).
    • Item Ordered Quantity - How many to order of this item.
    • Item Cost - How much this item cost to order.
  • Optional Fields
    • Grouping ID - Use Grouping ID to distingish between different POs when auto-generating PO numbers. Note: this value is only used during import and can be anything.
    • Ordered Date - Ordered Date
    • Terms - Terms
    • Order Cancel Date - Order Cancel Date
    • Shipping Carrier - Shipping Carrier
    • Shipping Class - Shipping Class
    • Requested Ship Date - Requested Ship Date
    • Arrival Due Date - Arrival Due Date
    • Tracking Info - Tracking Info
    • Public Note - Public Note
    • Private Note - Private Note
    • Sent Status - Not Sent, Sent, and Need To Resend (If blank, Not Sent)
    • Payment Status - None Paid, Partially Paid, and Fully Paid (If blank, None Paid)
    • Ship To Warehouse - The code for the warehouse you want to designate as the ship to warehouse.
    • Ship To Address Name - Specify an address name that has already created for the ship to warehouse.
    • Item Ordered Quantity To 3PL - Item Ordered Quantity To 3PL - defaults to 0
    • Item Public Note - Public Note
    • Item Private Note - Private Note
    • Item Identifier - Identifier
    • Item Variant - Variant
    • Cost Type - Type of PO cost (Shipping or Tax)
    • Cost Amount - Cost Amount - defaults to 0.00
    • Cost Note - Cost Note

Your file was rejected due to the following errors.

  • {{e}}
PO #:  {{po.PoNumber}}  Group ID:  {{po.GroupId || 'N/A'}} Supplier:  {{po.Supplier}}
  • No PO errors found.
  • {{e}}
SKU Quantity 3PL Quantity Item Cost
{{item.Sku}} {{item.Quantity}} {{item.ThirdPartyQuantity}} {{item.Cost.a }}
  • No item errors found.
  • {{e}}


  • The imported file was successfully submitted to the server for processing. It can take a little while depending on the size of the file and the load on the server before all imported purchase orders are available. Please be patient.
PO #:  {{po.PoNumber}}  Supplier:  {{po.Supplier}} Group ID:  {{po.GroupId || 'N/A'}}
SKU Quantity 3PL Quantity Item Cost
{{item.Sku}} {{item.Quantity}} {{item.ThirdPartyQuantity}} {{item.Cost.a }}

Please select a file to import purchase orders. The files should be in .csv format, and must contain the fields below. All additional fields will be ignored.

  • Required Fields
    • PO#
      • Specify PO number manually or use value "Auto Generate" to have the po number created by the system.
      • Please be aware that specifying PO numbers and auto-generating them in the same upload is not allowed.
    • Supplier - PO supplier (must exist in SkuVault)
    • Item Search Term - the SKU, code or part number for the line item (must exist in SkuVault).
    • Item Ordered Quantity - How many to order of this item.
    • Item Cost - How much this item cost to order.
  • Optional Fields
    • Grouping ID - Use Grouping ID to distingish between different POs when auto-generating PO numbers. Note: this value is only used during import and can be anything.
    • Ordered Date - Ordered Date
    • Terms - Terms
    • Order Cancel Date - Order Cancel Date
    • Shipping Carrier - Shipping Carrier
    • Shipping Class - Shipping Class
    • Requested Ship Date - Requested Ship Date
    • Arrival Due Date - Arrival Due Date
    • Tracking Info - Tracking Info
    • Public Note - Public Note
    • Private Note - Private Note
    • Sent Status - Not Sent, Sent, and Need To Resend (If blank, Not Sent)
    • Payment Status - None Paid, Partially Paid, and Fully Paid (If blank, None Paid)
    • Ship To Warehouse - The code for the warehouse you want to designate as the ship to warehouse.
    • Ship To Address Name - Specify an address name that has already created for the ship to warehouse.
    • Item Ordered Quantity To 3PL - Item Ordered Quantity To 3PL - defaults to 0
    • Item Public Note - Public Note
    • Item Private Note - Private Note
    • Item Identifier - Identifier
    • Item Variant - Variant
    • Cost Type - Type of PO cost (Shipping or Tax)
    • Cost Amount - Cost Amount - defaults to 0.00
    • Cost Note - Cost Note

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